Porch Songs
RELEASE DATE : October 19, 2018
promotion - booking - management
Rachael Yamagata started with a funk-rock band called "Bumpus" and when she decided to go the solo-route she was soon to be asked to write songs and to collaborate with indie-heroes like Ryan Adams, Ray LaMontagne and Bright Eyes among many others - but she can master the fine line to pop music as well, e.g. when she worked with guys like Jason Mraz on his song "Did You Get My Message?".
With close to 100.000 likes on Facebook Rachael Yamagata is one of the best accepted musicians...not too bad for a truly independent artist...in Europe she's still sort of a best-kept-secret. Born in Arlington, Virginia, the beautiful singer has Italian, German, Japanese and US-blood in her veins. Maybe that's a reason for her special approach to music which reminds many to a diverse variety of the likes of PJ Harvey, Tom Waits, Norah Jones, Patti Smith, Tori Amos or Nick Cave. Though some call her the "Queen of Heartbreak", Rachael Yamagata has a full power voice, which appears sometimes clear as a bell and sometimes strong like a dangerous thunderstorm - but always with a lot of passion.
Date | Concert | location | Tickets |
2019,May 02 | Cohen Club | Verona, ITALY | |
2019,May 03 | Arci Progresso | Firenze, ITALY | |
2019,May 04 | Wishlist | Roma, ITALY | |
2019,May 06 | All'1e35 Circa | Cantu' (Como, Milano), ITALY | Tickets |
2019,May 07 | Blah Blah | Torino, ITALY | |
2019,May 09 | Terraplana | Porto, Portugal | |
2019,May 10 | Fundacion Sales | Vigo, Spain | |
2019,May 11 | Palacio de le prensa,Sala 0 | Madrid, Spain | Tickets |
2019,May 16 | St. Pancras Old Church | London, UK | ---SOLD OUT--- |
2019,May 17 | St. Pancras Old Church | London, UK | ---SOLD OUT--- |
come back soon to check for new dates |
RELEASE DATE : October 19, 2018
RELEASE DATE : September 23, 2016
RELEASE DATE : June 14, 2016
RELEASE DATE : November 20, 2012
RELEASE DATE : October 11, 2011
RELEASE DATE : October 6, 2008
RELEASE DATE : May 22, 2008
RELEASE DATE : June 8, 2004
RELEASE DATE : October 7, 2003
RELEASE DATE : October 25, 2016